This toasted marshmallow flavor is delightful and will take your tastebuds back to nights spent by the campfire.
Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Yellow).
This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.
Note - We cannot accept returns or exchanges on flavoring
11 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
This stuff is good! I can really taste the marshmallow and it just makes the smore's juice wonderful
Good flavor
I got a short bottle, just to try it out. Gotta get more! Has a nice flavor, and is a great mixer/accent. I've not tried it alone. Works well to give a boost to other flavors. I juggled a mix of fruit and funnel cake, to make a fritter flavor. Toasted marshmallow, gives it the final "ah-ha!".
In heaven
This is by far the best flavor I've ever been fortunate to have. It's smooth and flavorful. I mix it in at about 7%. I love that a person can by a bunch to try without spending a fortune and they're cheap enough that if a couple don't agree with you, you can toss them and only be out a few bucks.
Very Tastey
Love this Toasted Marshmellow flavoring its so good.
great flavor....
Sweet and delicious
I use a small amount in many flavors adds a subtle under not of flavor in mixes.
great in everything
I add this to many mixes adds a lovely extra touch of flavor that you can't quite get your finger on
I put it in almost everything!
Not strong
It's sweet but not a lot of real toasted flavor. Might work best in a simple smores recipe. I tried it for a cookie recipe and it was a flop.