Very creamy, dry, and sweet. Touch of caramel and cinnamon. Could be a holiday cookie because it makes you feel really cozy and relaxed.
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This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.
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3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Biscotti (Flavorah)
What a beautiful flavor! If you're looking for a biscuit/cookie flavor with a crispy edge, this is it. I don't pick up on a strong anise note, just a pleasant blend of baked spices and roasted almond nuttiness. It's not a toasted almond extract per SE, like TPA offers. I pick up on a slight coffee note, as well, but not enough to clash with other flavors. It's more of a nutty coffee note. It's extremely potent so start low at maybe 0.20%. Think about working with Crisp Waffle (SSA) and you'll get the picture. Biscotti is not as dark as Crisp Waffle, though. It has a lighter but very crunchy feel to it. A darn good realistic Biscotti, imo.
cafe in a mall?
legits smells and tastes like the smell from a coffee shop in a shopping mall, idk why but its 1:1 mall coffee and bakery stuff
Excellent and potent
It's a shame this one hasn't gotten any reviews yet, because it's an excellent flavor. It's very potent, standalone 1-2% is more than enough. Complex, interesting, and unique cookie flavor with a nicely balanced and tasty spice to it. The only issue I've had is getting it to play well with others, it overpowers a mix very easily. It's not really a criticism of the flavor, it's just that I haven't had much luck making something that tastes better than this flavor just standalone. Definitely worth adding to one's collection.