This flavor has an icy freshness of menthol mixed with blueberries for a delicious cool taste.
Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Pink).
This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.
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4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
koolada with a light blue raspberry
tested at 10%. supposed to be a blue razberry slushy but its pretty far off. forward i taste a slightly chalky koolada with just a bit of menthol-mint flavor but the chalkyness goes away after 2 days, or in a mix. the cooling flavor and feel is definately dominant and at 10% its pretty cold like breathing in extream snowy weather - but you could certainly take it up to 15% if you really like menthol-like flavors. hard to say how much to use in a mix as 1% would be noticeable. up towards 7% it would start to take over a mix. now on to the blue raspberry flavor-though the flavor is secondary its very pleasant and not mediciney. it is on the sweet side but could certainly use sweetener and it only has just the slightest sour-tang (though almost unnoticeable). i do not get and chemical or off notes from this concentrate. i would highly suggest this flavor for a sweet blue razberry koolada flavor!
blue ice..yummm
Perfect blend Alot easyer then measuring each flavor of blueberry, menthol, and raspberry. Cool refreshing taste....:)
Blue raspberry menthol...good
Not at all what I was expecting.
Perhaps I should have known Ice=Menthol (which it definitely has it) but I was really hoping for just a blue raspberry and this is certainly not it.