Bright, vivid, and full bodied to fill in the holes of what most other similar flavors are missing. This is the Blue Raz you will want as a staple in your collection of flavors.
Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Pink).
This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.
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Blue Raz Flavor
This stuff is great. Fast shipping too!
One of the best!
In the past few weeks I've bought every blue raspberry you can get. I've even ordered some from Canada like OOO and RF SC, but this is one of the best. I like it at 1.5-2%. It's not perfect, but none of them are. It goes really well with some SSA Sour Lemon and TFA Raspberry Sweet. If you like blue raz, get this one!
One of the best blue raz flavors!
I've tried a lot of the popular blue raspberry flavors and this is one of the best. I like it at 2% with 2% TFA Raspberry Sweet and 0.5% SSA Sour Lemon. I highly recommend picking up some if you're into blue raspberry. It's not perfect, but about as good as I've been able to find.
Flavorah did an excellent job on this BlueRazz, excellent. Now I say this when comparing it to every other BlueRazz out there, and I have tried everyones. The next best would be Delosi's BlueRazz which is really good as well. Now to the gripe part.. I tend to judge BlueRazz by AirFactorys BlueRazz, which in my eyes is a true BlueRaspberry flavor. Every company falls short on making a true to flavor BlueRazz, some are missing the top end of it, some are missing the base end to it, but nobody has nailed it yet. Flavorah has come close here though, but still missing the full body of it here, but when adding some boysenberry, juicy marshmallow, and some hibiscus to it will complete it.! All in all an excellent BlueRazz, one of the best if not the best.
it needs help
Not very strong at all on its own. I tried this at different percentages and several flavor bangers and all I get is very light flavor. Gonna add some different blue razzes and see if the flavor fills in and brightens up.
Finally found the blue razz I've been looking for
This blue razz is so good and it's worth the price since it's Flavorah and a little goes a long way. I did a single flavor mix with 2% and it was still really strong but it was so good. I do a bunch of mixes with Blue Raspberry (FW) and this one and I love em. Blue razz is def my go to flavor to make some Bubblegum ADV. Big thank you to Bull City too, Thank You
Excellent blu razz flavor. Great solo vmix at around 4% or with a little added sweetener. It definitely mixes well with other blu razz's. It also makes an awsome snow cone flavor when mixed with a simple syrup.
Punchy, complete Blue Raz, that tastes like a One-Shot
**Blue Raz 1% (4-3-21)** -- While admittedly not using Blue Raz's much, I do like them from time to time, so this was an interesting test(er) for me. @smokyblue mentioned this one was a "One-Shot" out of the gate, and I agree. A completely finished, well rounded B.Razz with just enough tart, and sweet to keep you interested. At 1% it tasted very full and complete, with no off notes, or ceiling slamming strange-ness. I was looking hard for anything that would kick this one down a notch or two and couldn't find any. It did feel like a one-shot, and a good one at that. You could possibly kick it up a little in strength, but it was pretty solid at this testing weight. I know this doesn't help when reading a review, but many times while testing I kept thinking, "Bluuuuuuuuue", LOL. When smelling it in the bottle, the tart/sour smelled stronger than it presented and it really sat JUST where it should in the mix. Nice blue with raz, with nice helpings of sweet and tart, and nothing off-putting, put this up on top. If you're in need for a B Raz, add this one to your short list. **9.9/10**.