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Candied Blueberry Flavor-FLV

$5.20 - $31.60
(3 reviews) Write a Review
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Candied Blueberry is a Blue star! Giving bright blueberry taste up front with a dry candied/jammy finish with a side of mild sticky mouthfeel.  Can work well in recipes involving fresh fruit, creams, or candy.

Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Pink).

This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.

Note - We cannot accept returns or exchanges on flavoring

3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 4
    Candied Blueberry -.8%

    Posted by Stephen Johnson on 13th Apr 2023

    A couple notches below mid-level sweetness.., lighter blueberry flavor that has a candy vibe to it.. not hard candy, jelly candy or even blueberries covered in sugar, but in a sense it feels like a candy in my mouth! satisfying..maybe(5.5/10). Pretty good SFT(8.8/10), but it does seem like it would need to be stuck in the "candy" profile, so as a mixer(7.6/10)

  • 4
    A great, mostly natural Blueberry with a tart, candied finish

    Posted by SessionDrummer on 25th Feb 2023

    **Candied Blueberry (Flavorah) 1.75% (2-25-23)** -- 2nd on on deck, and at a markedy higher testing weight than the Cactus Aloe. At this testing weight, it presented as a nice, somewhat dark blueberry with a nice accurate "candied" aspect. Candied, is not jammed, nor sugared, but maybe in between sugared, and jammed. Flavorah did a really good job of getting that JUST right. Too little, it would turn into just a "sugared", too much and it would land into "jammed" territory. Just that ONE aspect was impressive alone. The blueberry felt about 75% natural / 25% artificial, and favored the mid and darker tones, BUT, with some bright high end sparkle and tartness on the finish. It was at about mid-level sweet and tasted actually quite good at this weight with no off-notes. No florals were present at this weight, BUT, it could possibly get squirrel-y if pushed too high. Though not overpowering the slight acidity, and tartness could easily be tamed, or "creamed" if you needed it more mellow. As it stood however, it had just enough kick to keep it interesting. The only minor take-offs would be for some missing richness, and fullness, as in comparison to a full spectrum BB. For a almost fully natural BB with a VERY authentic "candied"-ness, and a tarty finish this one DOES work, and it does it well. Easily near the top and placing it @ a **8.9/10**.

  • 4
    Candied Blueberry

    Posted by Lynda pyne on 3rd Feb 2023

    Tested 2% Ooo yum, not quite candy but a deep, dark colored fleshy blueberry. I get a slight hint of skin. Jammy, dark, sweet. Thick mouthfeel. I’d not have pegged this is as a candy, I’d peg this is as a very overripe blueberry. Yummo!