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Chai Spice Flavor-FLV

$4.50 - $29.70
(3 reviews) Write a Review
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A blend of several spices great for bakery and drink style recipes. Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, and a hint of Nutmeg makes this the perfect blend, especially for the Holidays.

Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Pink).

This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.

Note - We cannot accept returns or exchanges on flavoring

3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Well crafted flavor for days.

    Posted by Mary Pritchett on 3rd Sep 2021

    This flavor is very well balanced for chai spice. Mixes perfectly with Horchata which contributes to the creamy undertones and punches up the cinnamon slightly. It’s perfect.

  • 5
    Chai time!!

    Posted by Hal Grunwell on 9th May 2021

    Flavorah killed it on this one, knocked it out the park.

  • 4
    A very interesting Chai with an almost cream carrier, and no bitter

    Posted by SessionDrumer on 4th Apr 2021

    **Chai Spice (FLV) 0.5% (4-4-21)** -- My experience with Chai has always been fresh Chai Tea, and have NEVER tried it before, so this will be another first. My perception of Chai has always been Cardamom, Fennel, Cinnamon, Ginger, and Black Pepper. Every time I've had fresh authentic Chai Tea, the aforementioned have always been present. Excitingly enough, most, if not all WERE present in this flavor, with maybe the exception of the black pepper (which ROCKS in fresh, hot tea). All elements were very nicely placed, such that I could not pick one as standing out, which was impressive. I had pre-concerns about Ginger, Cardamom, and Fennel presenting as to "bighty" or bitter, but there were hardly any bitter notes here, and somehow, Flavorah managed to temper this entire complex flavor with an almost creamy undertone, that while not overpowering, was always there, and almost a carrier for the aforementioned notes. As a sum total, it was quite realistic, accurate, and satisfying, which again, coming from a NON "spice" guy, was a surprise. Felt plenty good and strong at 5%, and had no off-putting notes. Your mixing level will directly depend on how "spicy" you want your mix, and this could clearly run roughshod over a mix if used too high. I kept looking for any telltale cinnamon, but it was hard to find, so either it was missing, or just lower in the mix. All in, a pretty convincing, non bitter Chai spice that would work well anywhere Chai was desired. Chai Milk, Milkshake, Ice Cream ?? Pretty convincing for my tastes, and felt solid @ **9.1/10**