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Cocoa Milk Flavor-SSA

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 Cocoa milk type of flavour, with deep chocolate – cocoa beans notes and whipped milk aftertaste.

Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Yellow).

This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.

Note - We cannot accept returns or exchanges on flavoring

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  • 5
    Holy Mother of Cocoa Onrush !!!!

    Posted by SessionDrummer on 28th Oct 2024

    **Cocoa Milk (SSA) 1% (10-28-24)** -- Holy Mother of Cocoa Onrush !!!! OK, hehe, wow. During the FIRST test with this one, I was struck by how deliciously, I was hit with the initial onrush of Cocoa. Very tasty, accurate, and rich. That was followed by more of a creamy-ish, almost milky finish. Maybe whole milk might be a better description of the milk element, but it was still somewhat creamy, and rich. The Cocoa hit you right away, and was very accurate, and in NO way could be confused with ANY other chocolate type, it was 100% cocoa. The pairing of the Cocoa and creamy milk was very well done, and it wasn't mashed up, but clearly delivered a One, Two punch assualt, and it was delicious. At 1% it was spot on strong, with no need to increase. Sweetness was actually a few ticks below mid-level, and I could detect NO off-notes. Sobucky's rendering of a dried cocoa powder was really impressive. Now it wasn't dry, and maybe that magic came from the smart pairing with the creamy milk. I actually had a very hard time finding nit-picks. I guess if I had to REALLY dig deep in the nit-pick bag, I might want just a hint more milky milky-ness, but even that my friends, was barely worth mentioning. All in, if you are a Cocoa lover, you're going to love this one. I can't go lower than **9.9/10** on this one.