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Saturn Peach Flavor-FLV

1.576 - 9.455
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Saturn Peaches are some of the best out there when it comes to flavor and this one definitely hits that mark. This flavor is light, bright, fresh and crisp to really nail that full saturn peach profile. This flavor will definitely rival our regular peach as a top seller with how complete and bright this flavor is.

Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Yellow). 

This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.

Note - We cannot accept returns or exchanges on flavoring

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  • 5
    A VERY unique Bright Peach, with low acidity, and a velvety smooth sweetness

    Posted by SessionDrummer on 29th Oct 2023

    **Saturn Peach (Flavorah) 1% (10-29-23)** -- [Saturn Peach, Donut Peach, Flat Peach ??]( YES, that's right. Some flavors take some time to break in before you can evaluate them, but NOT this one. It was a winner from the first taste. To agree with Fidalgo, I could see EVERY peach lover picking this one up, AND in a BIG bottle. Where to begin. This Peach was a new one for me, and I don't think I have any other Peaches like it on my racks. At first I thought it was like a Honey Peach, but that was not close enough. It was like a peach, that was devoid of the darker red and orange notes, and just the brighter white, and light yellow notes. It had an almost Honey-like quality to it, almost like a syrup, but not quite fully there. It seemed to have far less of an acidic punch than a normal yellow peach, but in exchange for that, it had a almost silky sweetness from beginning to end. Now, it was NOT a white peach, just for clarification, and there was NO dryness, or any off-notes for that matter. As I grew increasingly mesmerized by how damned good it was, I struggled to think of a peach recipe where this one would NOT work. I'll get back to you on that. Because it was devoid of most of the lower (red/orange/darker yellow) notes, it wasn't a full spectrum peach, like you would expect with a typical yellow, and I didn't pick up on any of the more typical "apricot" undertones. At 1% it was flat out great, but I may push it up 0.50% just to see what happens. As it stood, it was a brighter, lighter peach (but not light on flavor), that exuded an almost velvety smooth, syrupy sweetness, but without being overly sweet, or cloying. With ALL of the flavors I have tested, I can only think of a very small handful wherein I have had back to back 10/10's, but I think it just happened again. Realizing I just "Released the Kraken" on the last flavor, I guess we'll have to "Leave the Kraken OUT" for this one as well. **10/10**.