Strawberry, Candy Type Flavor-SSA
KSh351.31 - KSh6,271.88 -
Peach (w/o Stevia) Flavor-Cap
KSh429.73 - KSh939.45 -
KSh468.94 - KSh9,722.28 -
KSh468.94 - KSh9,722.28 -
Natural Orange Cream-WF
KSh547.36 - KSh11,917.99 -
Natural Mango (Alphonso)-WF
KSh547.36 - KSh11,917.99 -
Meringue Lemony Flavor-SSA
KSh547.36 - KSh11,917.99 -
Natural Peach-WF
KSh547.36 - KSh11,917.99 -
Natural Raspberry-WF
KSh547.36 - KSh11,917.99 -
Strawberry, Juliette Jammy Flavor-SSA
KSh233.69 - KSh3,919.34 -
Natural Boysenberry Raspberry-WF
KSh547.36 -
Agave Nectar-SC-WF
KSh468.94 - KSh9,722.28 -
Natural Mora (Blackberry)-WF
KSh547.36 - KSh1,253.12 -
Natural Saskatoon Berries-WF
KSh547.36 - KSh11,917.99 -
Exotic Flavor-SSA
KSh312.10 - KSh5,174.03
Fruit Flavors
Elevate your recipes with our potent concentrated fruit flavors. Intense and authentic taste awaits. Explore now!