This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.
53 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Such an Awesome Flavor
Always has been in my top 5 of best flavors. I've been a Commercial manufacturer for several years and this is one I always use. It's my all time go to.
FA - Apple Fuji @ 2%
It's skin note is kind of sharp but not unpleasant. There's not much sweetness and the texture is kind of mushy. There's a slight bitterness that lingers. Not too great by itself but it is bright and cuts through in a recipe. 7/10
Smells like a more-concentrated apple shampoo bottle but no taste. Also, gave me an instant headache. Nope nope nope.
FA Fuji
FA Fuji is a delicious, sweet, amazing flavor. If you are new here... file this away in your brain for later in your journey... The most realistic, organic, superior Apple flavor is made by a small, natural flavor company - and it is called VSO Apple.
Fa fuji
Great Apple flavor! Mixed with others such as caps D, and Thai apple.. Makes for a great apple pie recipe adding the crust of course.
Real apple flavor
I'm super picky and have tried many different apples. This is, by far, the best. Perfect for me on it's own at 3%. Tastes very natural and, for me, doesnt need any added sweetener.
Love this
Can make it go green yellow or red apple mixed with other apples
Love this stuff
So awsome can change it red or green apple love it in my apple pies I make from scratch
Great Flavor
Strong flavor that stands on its own or does wonders to round out mixes.