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Pink Lemonade Flavor-FLV

$4.50 - $29.70
(2 reviews) Write a Review
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Looking for a great Pink Lemonade base... Well here ya go. This flavor has an indistinct pinkness profile and mixed with sweet lemonade it gives the perfect starting point to personalize your favorite summer beverage. No harshness and avoids the acidity problems that can creep in with many lemon flavors. Enjoy!

Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Pink).

This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.

Note - We cannot accept returns or exchanges on flavoring

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  • 3
    A good lemonade with a little pink, that could be boosted

    Posted by SessionDrummer on 5th Mar 2023

    **Pink Lemonade (Flavorah) 1% (3-5-23)** -- I think finding the perfect Pink Lemonade for EVERYONE is about impossible. One of the best I've ever had was Lemonade, Watermelon, and Strawberries. How did Flavorah do ?? Let's find out. This smelled stronger in the bottle, so like some others, decided to try it @ 1%, and at that rate it was fairly full, but COULD probably handle another 0.75%. As it stood at the lower weight, the Lemonade came through fairly well, and did have some nice tart/sour sparkle to it, and I could detect SOME "Pink-ening", BUT, it didn't seem like it was enough. I needed MO pink in my PL !!!! I couldn't clearly tell what the Lemonade was tempered with, but to say, it did have a pink hue. 3 testers later, I still couldn't decide if I WAS getting a slight strawberry undertone or not, but suffice it to say, you could boost YOUR pink, and really push this one forward. At 1% it wasn't lacking overall in the Lemonade department, but I think 1.75% would give it a more solid foothold. The lemonade did remind me of Flavorah's "Lemonade" (duh, go figure), and rather that overpower the tart/sour WITH sweetness, it felt like they specifically dropped the sweetener down a notch, to allow the tart/sour to push through. Your taste may vary, and I do think that maybe some WM or SB, and possibly some sweetener (depending on your sweet tooth) would help this one out. All in, it was a good Lemonade tempered by some "pink" that you could EASILY boost up as required. Throughout the entire test, I kept thinking, "Yeah, this one's about 70% there), so leaving this at a solid **7.0/10**.

  • 5
    Pink Lemonade flv

    Posted by Gabriel Manfred on 27th Jan 2023

    This is a great pink lemonade base, it's lighter than Flavorah's og lemonade and it's very smooth. It plays well with other flavors and isn't overtly citrus. At 2.50% it has a nice smooth lemonade body with light berry notes to round it off. You will need to build on the berry notes for more of that "pink" ness and i added some flavorah lemonade to make it pop but as a base pink lemonade it's great. It's one of those Flavorah flavors that tastes bland on the knuckle test but when mixed it really shows up.