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Sweet Mango Flavor-FLV

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A well-balanced sweet mango without being over the top candy and still maintains an accurate level of that natural tropical mango funk. This is great as the featured star in any recipe.

Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Yellow).

This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.

Note - We cannot accept returns or exchanges on flavoring

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  • 5
    Bright, punchy Mango, easily paired with FLV's Ripe Mango

    Posted by SessionDrummer on 11th Apr 2021

    **Sweet Mango (Flavorah) 1% (4-11-21)** -- As predicted, this one in comparison to Flavorah's Ripe Mango was brighter, punchier, and sweeter. I had guessed that these two, could be paired exactly like Flavorah's Coconut and Sweet Coconut. Why two mangos ?? Well, it would allow you to better USE the flavor(s) for whatever you need. This one shared many attributes of the Ripe Mango except sweeter, and with the increased sweetness, a perceived "fresh" boost. It tasted very nice and full at 1%, and had no off putting notes. For my tastes I think I like this Sweet Mango a little more than the Ripe Mango, as it was punchier and brighter, and I think that would allow it to carry better in mixes, and allow it to break through better. Depending on your needs, you may want to mix both the Sweet and Ripe, and to varying ratios depending on what you need. For a nice rich and full, more ripe and sweet Mango, this one should take care of your needs. Because my tastes favor the brighter/punchier, I'm rating this one a little higher than Flavorah's Ripe, just due to preference. Felt really good at **9.5/10**.